Commercial Kitchens

4 Reasons Why Your Commercial Kitchen Layout Matters.

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If you own a restaurant, the layout of the commercial kitchen will be the last thing on your mind. You’ve got a lot on your mind, from staff training to buying and advertisement. So, why is your kitchen layout important? You may be surprised by the response. The flow of your entire business will be influenced by the layout of your commercial kitchen. This is why:

1. Productivity and Safety

On a busy night, keep an eye on your kitchen teamwork. Is there a seamless transition from food prep to plate to the server’s tray? Or are the chefs tripping over the vinyl mats and the bussers colliding with the chefs? A single tray of food spilled can result in a lot of wasted time and even injury. By limiting movement inside the kitchen, your commercial kitchen space should be set up to prevent accidents. Assemble the food, prep it, and get it out the door in a manner that resembles an assembly line.

2. Savings

Consider how much money you spend on food that isn’t processed properly or used fast enough due to obsolete kitchen design and appliances. Consider how much money is wasted because your dishwashing station isn’t set up to be as efficient as possible. Designing your commercial kitchen layout ahead of time can boost efficiency, reduce injuries, and save you money in the long run.

3. Health Code

Consider how much money you spend on food that isn’t processed properly or used fast enough due to obsolete kitchen design and appliances. Consider how much money is wasted because your dishwashing station isn’t set up to be as efficient as possible. Designing your commercial kitchen layout ahead of time can boost efficiency, reduce injuries, and save you money in the long run.

4. Employee Satisfaction

Your kitchen team spends hours a day in a single room, which can lead to burnout fast. By strategically designing your restaurant kitchen layout for ergonomics and comfort, you will promote employee satisfaction. Happy, comfortable employees are a sign of a thriving, healthy business.

The design of your commercial kitchen matters to the flow of the entire workspace. At Henson Kitchen, commercial kitchen layouts are quite literally our business. We have helped hundreds of customers design efficient commercial kitchens, maximizing safety and productivity every step of the way.

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