
Cold Storage Systems for Restaurants and Hotels

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Has there ever been a time when eating out in restaurants and hotels was more popular? When you consider the millions of people who use hotels and restaurants, it’s easy to see why this is a multibillion-pound sector. Do you have any experience in this field? Then you understand how critical it is to keep food according to strict standards and norms. Henson Kitchens consistts of cold storage experts with years of expertise working with the hotel and restaurant industry. Our cold storage systems are an efficient solution to protect your food goods while allowing you to focus on providing exceptional customer service.

The Importance of An Efficient Cold Storage Room

The value of a well-functioning cold storage system cannot be emphasized. The risk of food contamination is greatly decreased when food is stored and maintained at the proper temperatures. Bacterial development is slowed by cold temperatures, as you may know. It is common knowledge that chilled food should be stored at temperatures below 5°C, and our cold storage rooms successfully maintain these temperatures. Food poisoning is a problem that no restaurant or hotel wants to deal with because it may permanently harm your reputation and business. Installing one of our custom cold storage rooms is a smart investment that will pay off in the long run. We can assist you in designing a refrigeration unit that meets, if not exceeds, your company’s needs.

A designe that Suits You

Because you work in the restaurant or hotel industry, you have specific refrigeration needs. What if you require a large amount of cold storage space? Then our industrial cold storage rooms might be just what you’re looking for. People can easily walk in and vehicles, including forklift trucks, can get admission, in addition to preserving your food products at the ideal temperature. We can create any arrangement to meet your needs. Do you prefer to build a cold room from the ground up? The panels are made in such a way that they are simple to clean. These virtual flatpack designs are simple to assemble and can be customized to achieve any desired temperature. Our cool room systems have the advantage of being expandable.

Our Cold Storage Systems Can Save You Money

Our cold storage facilities use very little energy. We employ a PIR insulation core, which provides the most effective insulation. Consider the implications for your hotel or restaurant. Despite the fact that your new MTCSS cold storage facility will be heavily used, you can rest assured that it is extremely energy efficient, saving your company money. So, why not give one of our premium cold storage rooms a serious thought? You will never be sorry.

Please contact us via our website for further information or to have your inquiries answered.

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